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Intro NRP Kids to the Capitol logo Let’s take a tour of the Texas Capital! Start Your Tour! Monuments Great Walk NRP Kids to the Capitol logo On the south side of the Capitol you will see the
Great Walk leading up to the Capitol’s doors.
This beautiful walkway was completed in 1889,
which is more than 130 years ago!
Next Stop! The walkway is 25 feet wide and 500 feet long.
It is made of diamond-patterned pavement
and is lined with monuments and statues
that honor some of the most important
moments and people in Texas history.
Foyer NRP Kids to the Capitol logo Next Stop! The South Foyer The other statue is of
Stephen F. Austin, known as
the "Father of Texas" and the
man whom Texas's capital city
is named after.

Sam Houston When you enter the Capitol from
the main entrance on the south
side, you will be standing in the
South Foyer. In this room you will
find life-size statues of two men
very important to Texas history.
The first statue is Sam Houston,
a commander during the Texas
revolution who later served as a
President of the Texas Republic
and Governor of the state.
Rotunda Goddess of Liberty NRP Kids to the Capitol logo The Goddess of Liberty is
the grand statute that sits
on the very top of the Capitol’s
dome, making it the tallest
part of the building.
The original goddess of liberty
was built in 1888. Originally in one
hand she held the sword of justice,
while the other hand held
the Texas Lone Star.
You can still see the original goddess of liberty in
the Bullock Museum, located nearby the capitol
building in Austin, Texas.
Unfortunately, over the years the
original statute started to degrade
and in 1986, a replica statue was
made with stronger materials to
sit on top of the dome.
Next Stop!
House Senate-intro NRP Kids to the Capitol logo Tour the Texas Senate! Start! Senate Video Menendez NRP Kids to the Capitol logo Meet State Senator
José Menéndez